Sunday , 19 May 2024
The Confederation of Christian Churches in Madagascar (FFKM) has tackled its mediation project and addressed scores of political parties at a time inside the international conference center's facilities in Ivato. More than 200 political groups sent their delegations. Former president Didier Ratsiraka, freshly landing on from his flight, took part into the event. So did the home based former president Albert Zafy

the FFKM led mediation : Marc Ravalomanana’s absence deplored

the most prominent key figure whose absence did not go down unnoticed was without a doubt the forner president Marc Ravalomanana, still kept out in political exile in South Africa. Even some of his arch enemies from the very first days of the year 2009’s putsch, namely Alain Ramaroson, would arguably have held his presence as relevant, considering that the transitional leader Andry Rajoelina, invited by the FFKM as well, attended both the opening ceremony and the event itself, and event which, in the end, kept going without Marc Ravalomanana on. Heaps of points have been collected, a final resolution is likely to be turned out within the next few days. This resolution happens to be very much expected to trigger further development of the political situation.  Since the beginning of the political crisis back in 2009, no other mediation of this kind has ever brought as so many political groups together.