Friday , 17 May 2024
According to the National Independant Electoral Commission`s acting president, no presidential elections would possibly come true unless political problems get settled before August 20th. Time actually gets scarce to get everything ready. Such deadlines happen to be Atallah Beatrice`s way to give nudge first and foremost to the three political figures, whose presidential candidacies do not please one part of the International Community

The CENIT`s call towards politicians

Yet it still remains very much impossible to force Lalao Ravalomanana, Didier Ratsiraka and Andr Rajoelina out of the presidentia race. At least the CENIT may take the opportunity to openly clear its conscience although the political crisis`core remains as hard as ever to crack down. Besides, the CENIT`s staff are increasingly prepares the population, the political class and the international community to a very likely and pending postponement of the elections to another year but the current one