Saturday , 18 May 2024
Going east from Antananarivo is always a pleasant trip. Because of the surrounding landscape and because of the many nice villages where one can stop. Ambatolampikely is one of them.

Ambatolampikely, the pause on the RN2

Ambatolampikely is a fairly common village name in  Madagascar. We are talking here about  the village located about twenty miles to the east of Antananarivo, the capital, on the RN2. Over the years, the small village which served as a benchmark for buyers of charcoal, has been transformed over time. It is now common to meet there people from Antananarivo spending thier weekend in its rest areas. It logically became a picnic and an opportunity to stop for passengers who travel to the east. In all logic, as in many villages around the capital, new houses are being build next to older ones made of terracotta and thatched roof.