It would take a nearly five hours long drive to the south of the capital city of Madagascar, Antananarivo to reach the town called Ambositra, for all time recognized as the center of gravity to Malagasy crafts as a whole. The descendants of the Zafimaniry caste were, indeed, famed across the island for their second to none talent as wood sculptors. The quiet town of Ambositra stands at the top of a hill, and has been remaining alien to large scale urban pollution. Ambositra has always been associated with craftsmanship. But it is not the single asset to the region. The purity of the honey produced by its farmers as well as the quality of the silk, main commodity for the Great Isle’s distinctive and traditional “lamba” have undoubtedly contributed to establish solid reputations for the town. Some of the best Malagasy craftsmen specialized into the production of silk have, among many other ones, settled in Ambositra. Besides, the region happens to be perfectly suited to hiking or cycling. The town and its surroundings have successfully been keeping their face typical to the central highlands of Madagascar largely unaltered, with its thorn bushes, its green rice fields and the scent of its eucalyptus tree forests.