Saturday , 4 May 2024
The leader of the High Authority of Transition, Andry Rajoelina, left Madagascar, without fanfare, in search of foreign support.

Andry Rajoelina in quest of legitimacy

Andry Rajoelina has taken off twards France on January 26th. His close collaborators are talking about a non official trip through in some countries of Europe and North Africa, without additional accuracy. 

According to the same sources, the transitional leader will be trying to explain the Great Isle’s present political situation to foreign partners, and plead for the regime that he ihas been leading since somedays to a year, regardless of the international community’s consent. 

His decision to bury the Maputo process has condemned Andry Rajoelina anew at the international level. The young putsch maker’s gait failed to convince the Great Isle’s partner countries which cut the cash flow.