Sunday , 5 May 2024

Locust invasion: Fenoarivobe in the state of alert

As locusts continue to threaten more and more the southern and western regions of Madagascar, some regions of the highlands are also currently in the state of alert. Only last weekend, heavy locust swarms invaded the District of Fenoarivobe, taking its population by surprise. Hence, the latter used the only means they had at their disposal to mitigate the damage but in vain.

At the pace of the invasion, the situation is worsening on a daily-basis. In order to prevent the total destruction of their crops, the population of that District was obliged to sleep in tents in their fields during the Christmas holidays to chase away the destructive swarms. The high price of materials and equipments used to battle the locust invasion constitutes the main reason preventing the Ministry of Agriculture to provide the regions or localities hit by locust invasion with adequate tools to curb the plague. In a word, the implementation of drastic measures aiming at eradicating completely the locust invasion in all affected regions of Madagascar is now more than urgent.