Thursday , 16 May 2024
C'est la saison propice au développement des criquets migrateurs. La situation commence déjà à inquiéter dans le sud de la Grande Ile. Quelques communes du sud profond sont déjà touchées par le phénomène.

Locusts resuming invading Madagascar´s south


The locusts´ favorite season has returned. The situation is already affecting the Great Isle´s southern region, some of its remotest communes quite much

Ampanihy and Betioky as well as many other rural regions are being stormed by locust swarms. Camille Vital, High Authority of Transition´s Prime Minister, and Vivato Rakotovao, his minister in charge of agriculture, joined the affected area.

Last year´s late governmental action and the scarce measures paved the way for the invasion. Locusts spread through hundreds of thousands of hectares in the country´s south and center pushed up to sixty miles to the capital city.

Locusts are actually permanent residents in Madagascar´s South, according to experts. The extent of damages is however depending on the local supervision centers´ reports, and on the subsequent reaction. The so named centers warned in time when larvas developed. The government took over the rest