Friday , 3 May 2024
According to the Rice Production Monitoring Department, Madagascar has imported some 400 000 tons of white rice to supply the local market all along the year 2013. Considering that the country used to need merely 200 000 tons a year at most, an all times best has been reached.

Madagascar establishes a new rice import all times best performance

Rice self sufficiency has been remaining an elusive utopia to the Great Isle. It has been a top priority for decades, and for decades its capitalization has been failing. Rice imports are rather the ones to regularly increase. As for 2013, the national Rice Production Monitoring Department submits a certain number of reasons to the unexpectedly high rice import peak of that year. Some rice producing areas have been affected by scourges like locust invasions and insufficient rainfalls. In addition to this, the ruling power’s fears from run outs during the electoral 2013 gave way to imports as security measure. Markets had to be stuffed the best it could be in order to fend off eventual social unrests and their potential fallouts on political matters. Madagascar usually produces about 3 million tons of paddy, namely 2 million tons of white rice a year by itself. The country never succeeded in filling the 200 000 or 300 000 tons wide gap up and supply the market from its own resources. Importing rice from abroad has always been proving a necessity turned into main breadwinning business to some national and foreign importation professionals, who are nowhere near to regret the country’s inability to reach self sufficiency