Sunday , 5 May 2024
RPG-7s are rocket propelled grenades mostly deemed to serve on armored tanks. Inside an opened letter addressed to the current ruling power, Monja Roindefo, the former transitional prime minister and acting president of the MONIMA political party, condemned the on going deployment of such heavy weaponry and its use against human beings. This native of the southern region of Madagascar openly calls upon Andry Rajoelina, the current transitional leader, to step down, as well as Omer Beriziky, the current transitional prime minister, to emulate.

Monja Roindefo condemning the use of RPG-7 rocket propelled grenades against human beings in the South

“The whole country lacks security nowadays, but RPG-7 rocket propelled grenades have so far been used nowhere else but into the South, moreover against innocent victims and civilian villages. How come?!” declared Monja Roindefo while emphasizing that “scores of civilians are being executed almost on a daily basis; including women and children; villages, regularly leveled by RPG-7 rocket propelled grenades carpets to the ground”. Monja Roindefo does absolutely not happen to be the single one eye witness of military atrocities perpetrated in the Island’s southern part. A large number of clerics based in the area do sharply criticize the way the campaign is being conducted. Parsons, law makers and reporters increasingly label off their own bat the repeated incidents as “crimes against the humanity”