Sunday , 19 May 2024
The Prime minister of the High Authority of Transition is standing by the outcome of the political leaders' summit held in Addis-Ababa before making a decision.

Monja Roindefo waiting for the hour of truth

“I am still the Prime minister”. According to Monja Roindefo, there is no controversy. As long as Marc Ravalomanana, Andry Rajoelina, Didier Ratsiraka and Albert Zafy are failing to sign a power sharing agreement, he is to be considering himself as the Prime minister of the High Authority of Transition. And as long as this agreement is failing to be signed, he will be refusing to recognize in Andry Rajoelina as “Transition’s President” entitled to dismiss him. 


Monja Roindefo has, however, reiterated during a TV show that he does not intend to remain Prime minister in the palace in Mahazoarivo till the Ragnarok. “The one supposed to take over me has even not tried to contact me in view of an eventual power transfer” he argued. “I am a man of principle”, concludes the chief of the government of the HAT.  


For Monja Roindefo, so long as political mobilities successfully come up to a power sharing deal, there would be no concern about making place to a new Prime minister. 


“Mahazoarivo is not a fortress” declared the Prime minister in response to the remarks on the security enhancement around the palace. 


In spite of his resistance, Monja Roindefo is progressively isolated by his former collaborators. The government’s Chief of Staff left the palace. Other proxies of the government’s chief have been dismissed by Andry Rajoelina in Cabinet meeting, and Manorohanta Cécile, Vice Prime minister in charge of the Interior, has officially been appointed deputy Prime Minister.