Saturday , 18 May 2024

Multimedia: study opportunity in Mauritius

Arena Multimedia, the Mauritian leading school in 3D animation, is seducing Malagasy students. In fact, this prominent institute offers vocational trainings in computer engineering, software engineering, interior decoration and design, graphic design, web, 3D, audiovisual media, management, English and journalism. The tuitions for studying in this school vary according to the field of study but can range from 2500 to 3000 Euros, with a housing cost of 125 Euros per month.

According the General Manager of Arena Multimedia, Bilaal Salemoohamed, “What makes the trainings unique is the fact that students can spend their 2 years of study in Mauritius and then pursue it for a year in England, Australia, or in India to get the Bachelor’s degree.” On June 4, 2012, the school will hold a conference at the Colbert Hotel as an official introduction to the local public.