Friday , 3 May 2024
The tourism oriented island of Nosy Be, in the north of Madagascar, is willing to recover its stained reputation, seriously tarnished by the execution of two French citizens on the beach of Ambatoloaka in 2013. The event took its toll on several professionals making their living from tourism

Nosy Be yearning to get back on track

So many reservations haven been cancelled that some inns were compelled to shut doors temporarily. The inflow of tourists in Nosy Be has increasingly been dropping to a near critical threshold. Apart from the execution of two French tourists by the island’s mobs, insecurity in general has actually grown to become a serious concern to foreign tourists. The island had to get a move on. Nosy Be still retains the title of the Great Isle’s most visited place, still, innkeepers, hotel managers and tour operators called upon the ruling power to do something quickly. Some administration officials have been replaced, security forces got reinforcements, and the new Malagasy President decided to make personally to the island, addressing a pending airfield extension project. All of this is good omen to the island’s tourism. The future will tell how effective these measures are, how fast they will boost the inflow of tourists anew.