Sunday , 12 May 2024
Opposition members are criticizing the arrest of a couple of their own in Toliara city, in the country’s south. Tsazolahy Tsianihy from the Marc Ravalomanana mobility and another opponent named Marin have been arrested by militaries as they were working the organisation of a demonstration in Toliara out

Opponents to the HAT arrested in Toliara city

The local authorities are fearing potential unrests related to the opposition’s demonstration, and consequently conducted the arrest. Opposition members keep on militating for the implementation of the Maputo and Addis Ababa political agreements.

In the capital city, demonstrations are regularly taking place to support Didier Ratsiraka, Albert Zafy and Marc Ravalomanana, jointly bound by signed agreements now rejected by the High Authority of Transition’s leader Andry Rajoelina. But the organization of demonstrations in provincial cities is quite a different story