Sunday , 19 May 2024
The prayer session planned by the Clerical Leaders' Movement will, in the end, take place in Antsonjombe, the place granted to them by the capital city town hall.

Religious leaders in Antsonjombe

The Mahamasina stadium is, henceforth, strictly dedicated to sporty events, according to the capital city town hall’s staff. On this account, Antananarivo’s Urban Commune rejected the Clerical Leaders’ Movement’s demand. Antsonjombe, an area North of the capital city, has been proposed in replacement. 

Religious leaders finally decided to make up their mind with Antsonjombe, after a while of hesitation. Since Antsonjombe is actually located very far from the capital city center, the event amounts to a showdown for the clerics. Their usually swarming audience in Antsahamanitra might be melted down in Antsonjombe. 

The event organized by religious leaders contesting the High Authority of Transition’s recent moves anyway remains a significant brick to the pressuring wall on the putsch originated regime.  Andry Rajoelina’s proxies are reproaching deviation towards home made politics to those clerical leaders, most of whom stem from the FJKM reformed church.