Saturday , 4 May 2024
He celebrated the end of the year 2012 behind bars. Tangalamena Patrick Zakariasy received at least temporary release in the end. As for now, in the evening of January 2nd, he has however not yet left the penitentiary of Antanimora. Even though being technically speaking free, he will have to remain until his trial and that of the reporters cross examined by the same occasion, behind bars.

Temporary release from custody granted to prince Patrick Zakariasy

Prince Zakariasy got entitled to a stay behind bars for having openly pointed at “him, who must not be named” during a press conference, namely a businessman supporter of and supported by Andry Rajoelina, transitional leader. He, who must not be named, instituted criminal proceedings for defamation and spreading of false information. Sending the Tangalamena into jail caused hostile reactions from scores of princes, living keepers of the traditional power on the island.