Saturday , 18 May 2024
They confirmed it in the Magro square, in which the former president’s supporters gather nearly on a daily basis. The main wire pullers in this political crisis are going to meet next week in the Seychelles, on Tuesday, July 24th.

That’s it ! Marc Ravalomanana vs. Andry Rajoelina: in the Seychelles on July 24th.

The former president’s supporters have always been pushing for talks to take place in Antananarivo, Madagascar, between Marc Ravalomanana and Andry Rajoelina. It would have been the occasion to recover home soil for Marc Ravalomanana. In the end, the SADC, the southern African mediating group in charge of organizing the meeting, preferred a neutral location. The summit will be focusing on the implementation of the crisis settlement roadmap signed in September 2011, which has fallen through due to politically motivated hindrances in Madagascar