Sunday , 19 May 2024
The Malagasy political mobility chiefs are definitely going to meet in Addis-Abeba from November 3rd to the 5th in view of putting an end to the political crisis.

The Addis-Ababa summit confirmed


It is meant to be the ultimate political mobility leaders’ meeting. Once again, Marc Ravalomanana, Andry Rajoelina, Didier Ratsiraka and Albert Zafy are going to try their hands at finding a final deal in order to make and let a Transition rise to the fourth Republic.  


The Addis-Ababa round is normally supposed to lead up to the signature of an agreement on the Transition’s key seats casting, namely those of the president, the vice president and the prime minister. 


As for now, the presidential seat remains the single issue opposing the political mobilities. Marc Ravalomanana has refused to grant it to Andry Rajoelina. The latter is hanging out at any cost, and even accepted to “sacrifice” his Prime minister Monja Roindefo in order to be finally accepted by the international community, could a consensus be found. 


The operation is yet proving difficult. In the name of the African Union’s Charter, the Ravalomanana mobility is calling upon legitimation denial to a Coup, translation: no Rajoelina Andry at the presidency. 


Marc Ravalomanana is currently requiring the erection of a “neutral” Transition. As far as he is concerned, Andry Rajoelina does not intend to capitulate so easily. Supported by a group of politicians, the present president of the High Authority of Transition believes to be the lone and unique figure who should be entitled to drive the Transition to its end, the Fourth Republic .  


Such a radical stand opposition between Marc Ravalomanana and Andry Rajoelina, the main actors of the 2009 political crisis, could potentially hinder the quest for a solution from succeeding. Rajoelina’s staff is, anyway, already planning to carry on its transition “without Marc Ravalomanana”, could a consensus fail to emerge from the Addis-Ababa meeting. But the president in exile has probably not yet thrown his last card up his sleeve to let them free to act as they want to as so easily.