Monday , 17 June 2024

The German Embassy in Antananarivo will no longer issue Schengen visa

The German Embassy in Antananarivo has announced that from January, 1, 2012 onward, it will no longer issue Schengen visa. Actually, following a bilateral agreement concluded, according to the Article 8 of the Visa Code, between the German and French foreign ministries, France will represent Germany in Madagascar for reviewing visa applications and for issuing of Schengen visas starting from January, 1, 2012.

From that date, the German Embassy in Antananarivo will no longer receive any Schengen visa applications. Until now, Germany represents in Madagascar member states of the Schengen Agreement, including Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Hungary and Estonia. Following that decision to close the Schengen visa service in Antananarivo, Germany terminated all of its representation contracts in Madagascar. For instance, the Embassy will proceed to the termination of Belgium’s representation from November, 1, 2011. As of this date, the Embassy will no longer receive any visa applications for Belgium.  

Termination of representations for Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Austria, Hungary and Estonia will take effect from January, 1, 2012. For travelling in Germany and Luxembourg, all Schengen visa applications should be submitted to the Consulate General of France in Antananarivo. For those travelling to the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Hungary and Estonia, it is recommended for travelers to ask directly from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of each host country about the Schengen visa application procedure. Long-stay visa application service for Germany (for studies, employment, and family reunification) is still available in the German Embassy in Antananarivo.