Friday , 17 May 2024
No cabinet meetings for weeks; government members are arguing on various issues; Rajoelina pulls satisfaction from his title as "President of the Transition", opponents keep on going along with a process deemed to crash, and the state´s leadership looks like a ghost area.

The government no longer governs, cohabitation begone!


Many issues are leading government ministers to challenge those of their own ones, namely the appointment of special delegations on top of communes as an example. Everyone seems willing to do his own way, and draw profits for his own self. The Beriziky government quickly turned into a ring. Disputes between the government and the transitional presidency do not make things easier. The crisis settlement process is now standing on the gallows. The different political factions are secretly looking for other ways to break the deadlock. The transitional leader´s refusal to let former President Marc Ravalomanana recover home soil unmistakably displays how impossible any common ground actually happens to be. And the  Albert Zafy sphere´s will to take Rajoelina down is a significant omen.