Sunday , 5 May 2024

The Lake of Alaotra: discovery of a new species of carnivorous animal

Researchers from the Durell Wildlife Conservation Trust discovered in the Lake of Alaotra of a new species of carnivorous animal. In fact, back in 2004, 2 specimen of this new species, which the researchers thought at that time as the Vontsira with brown tails, were captured in order to be examined. After being examined, the female species was released and brought back to its natural habitat, while the male one died in a trap and was brought to the Museum of Natural History for a thorough study.

But after a study performed in recent time, it was discovered that the species is completely different from the Vontsira with brown tails. Thus, researchers from the Durell Wildlife Conservation Trust unhesitatingly declared the discovery of a new species of carnivorous animal which is called Salanoia Durrelli in order to pay tribute to the founding father of the Durell Wildlife Conservation Trust, the ecologist Gerald Durrell. The Professor John Fa of the Durell Wildlife Conservation Trust describes the animal as “a dirty small ferret” which likes to swim in the lake. Still according to Professor John Fa, the animal, absolutely aquatic, looks like an otter. However, very few information are yet gathered concerning the number of its population and its life cycle.