Saturday , 21 September 2024
Monja Roindefo's party solemnly decides to oppose the Transition, the current new one

The Monima swaying in the opposition

The Monima party has had time to think it over since Monja Roindefo’s expulsion. The High Authority of Transition’s former Prime Minister’s party is committed to join the opposition. “Could the conditions be fulfilled”, Monja Roindefo will be a candidate running the next presidential election. 


From the Monima party’s point, the transition in its current new shape, the one involving the countries’ other political mobilities, was not the vision expected by the pro-Rajoelina demonstrators. In clear, Monja Roindefo’s party is longing for a jump way back in time, beyond the Maputo and Addis Ababa agreements. 


The Monima party’s chief of staff, Gabriel Rabearimanana, is persuaded that the other mobilities involved in the Maputo and Addis Ababa stages would have been political formations already “disowned” by the people. The Monima considers Didier Ratsiraka, Albert Zafy and Marc Ravalomanana as past time relics unworthy of any attention. 


Being true to its good old creed until now, the Monima party keeps on strongly resenting foreign involvement within the settlement of the Malagasy crisis; maybe because  Monja Roindefo owes his red card to international mediation, who knows?