Sunday , 19 May 2024
the transitional government decided to postpone the presidential elections to August 23rd. A major part of the candidates opposes the decision, while the National Electoral Commission regrets the fact of having been granted no say in this issue. The International Community's reaction is still to come, yet the SADC has so far been emphatically opposing any postponment of the presidential showdown

the presidential elections postponed to August 23rd

Transitional prime minister Jean Omer Beriziky will have almost certainly have to take charge into enforcing this postponment, not to mention that the alternative schedule seriously lacks realism. On August 23rd, A-Level like exams will be carried out nationwide as a matter of fact. Besides, the potential one on one round would start on September 25th, together with legislative elections, although Madagascar has never ever been able to issue any presidential election’s official results within one mere month considering the high number of remote regions scattered across a considerably large national territory