Saturday , 18 May 2024
The electoral judges agreed on a decision which does not contradict the previous one taken back on May 3rd, concerning July 24th's presidential election's starting line. Each and every request of reprocessing the list of presidential candidates addressed to the Special Electoral Court recieved a negative response

The Special Electoral Court will not rule any candidate out

Indeed, the Special Electoral Court rejected the resolution issued by the so named conclave held by the transitional civilian and military institution leaders at the International Conference Center on June 3rd in Ivato. As a recall, this resolution actually urged the Electoral Court to reprocess the presidential race’s starting line composition, in other words, to rule the three candidates not approved by the International Community, namely Andry Rajoelina, Lalao Ravalomanana and Didier Ratsiraka. The Special Electoral Court did exactly the contrary. As far as they were concerned, the military leaders particularly made clear that their latest intervention would have been motivated by a genuine will to reach an end to the Malagasy political crisis, and rejected any intention to poke their nose into the filthy art of politics when organizing their conclave in Ivato