Sunday , 19 May 2024
Three members from the Malagasy Journalists' Union's official Bureau have met the envoys sent by the SADC's parliamentarian forum. The Union members emphasized the pressing need to do away with the ban on radio and television stations outcasted and shut by the transitional ruling power over the latest years. There are actually no less than 80 of them! Besides, they recalled that a large majority of the Malagasy people massively relies on air-broadcasted news and does not have any access to newspapers.

The Union of Journalists emphatically require the radio and TV stations shut by force by the HAT to be reopened

In the run of these talks held at the SADC’s office facility in Antananarivo, Rocco Rasoanaivo, the acting President of the Journalists’ Union, Gerard Rakotonirina, the union’s vice president, and Lalatiana Rakotondrazafy, the union’s secretary general, emphatically stressed the urgent need to grant the right to freely broacast again to the radio and TV stations banned by the ruling power. Now that the Island is on the verge of tackling presidential elections, the Union holds media group diversity as a highly relevant component of a truly democratic State. The SADC’s forum envoys promised to report this demand from the Union of Journalists to their superiors. The Union also made out of these talks an opportunity to remind the increasingly critical situation of the press in general, namely blamed on Harry Rahajason, the current transitional communication minister.