Friday , 17 May 2024
Political break is over in Madagascar. The opposition front members and the striking trade unions have been insistently addressing the transitional ruling power for months, and now get ready to renew their public movement.

The unions and the opposition parties are clearing for action anew

Frustration has become a reality for the opponents of the High Authority of Transition. Political parties are convinced that the time has come to force Andry Rajoelina out. They do however not agree yet on the way to do it. Marc Ravalomanana’s political sphere does not get any move on. Impatience is however growing within the opposition. “It can be done with or without the Ravalomanana sphere” declared an opposition leader about the project to bring Rajoelina down. And trade unions are bound to reinforce the war machine, for the HAT has been playing them a deaf ear. Time might have come for action