Saturday , 18 May 2024
War seems definitely declared between the unions of Malagasy civil servants and leaders of the Transition. The unions’ wrath was caused by the Andry Rajoelina’s threat to suspend the striking workers’ wages and, if need be, to fire them.

The unions of civil servants want Rajoelina and each and every member of the transitional leadership to step down

In their latest statement, the striking trade unions and the ministerial common Cell made it clear that they would in no way give in that easily. Clearing for action. Trade unionists even required all of the leaders of the Transition to step down for they are the single source of the current plague affecting the country. Demonstrations will be held on Liberty Street in Anosy, on which striking civil servants used to come together.
The transitional leadership brought the police forces to intimidate some unionist leaders few days earlier. More than 250 healthcare and education department workers were requisitioned by the High Authority of Transition and literally forced to work, and reported the incident to the State Council. The situation is now nowhere near any peaceful settlement. The ruling power threats to get rid of its reactionary labor force, while the labor force in question wants its self proclaimed bosses out. Round two coming next.