Sunday , 19 May 2024
The Special Electoral Court has considered the legal definition of the "case of absolute necessity", bearing in mind that the presidential elections basically expected to develop on July 24th are likely to be called off. Following a request issued by the National Reconciliation Council (local FFM), the electoral jury worked such a possibility out. In its request, the FFM addressed the facts that the financial support to the elections has been defered by previously willing foreign financial backers, who, just like the rest of the Interantional Community, happen to be opposing three controversial candidacies. Since no satisfying settlement is yet to be found, the Special Electoral Court acknowledged the stumbling block as a legal case of absolute necessity.

The way to the postponement of the elections

The Court declared itself however legally unable to order any potential postponement of the electoral deadline. Such a decision and any new electoral calendar will have to be issued by the National Independent Electoral Commission (local CENIT), and by the transitional government.On the other side, the International Community does not approve any postponement of the presidential elections at all. The Electoral Commission’s situation is consequently quite tricky. If it does not postpone the presidential elections, it will have to argue with the local ruling power, leader of which longs for the longest possible reprieve. And if it ever does dare to do it, it will not get any more foreign financial support, and possibly fall out with the International Community