Saturday , 18 May 2024
The Secretary General of the United Nations Kofi Annan left our island on the 19th March apparently well satisfied with his official visit to Madagascar.

Kofi Annan encourages dialogue between party in power and opposition.

In a short press conference he affirmed his desire for dialogue between the powers that be and those that oppose them. The Nouvelles wrote, ?Without intending to condone the official view of the opposition and their call for a national reconciliation as a necessary condition to preclude the presidential elections, he asserted the need for discussion. The UN has the stated intention of working equally with all sides to which end a UN emissary will be sent to the island to whom all reports will be made.? The Gazette de la Grande Isle talks,? of the impossibility of  any dialogue.? The author of that article further stated, ?Given the verbal abuse and repeated acts of aggression, it is impossible to countenance any rapprochement between the party in power and the opposition parties.?