Sunday , 19 May 2024
The HAT transitional Prime minister is interviewing new potential ministers. The High Authority of Transition is planning so named "openness" indeed to the other political forces in order to seduce the international community.

New government: skull sessions in Mahazoarivo

Camille Vital’s task of reshuffling another government, somehow, does not prove to be very comfortable. The joint opposition’s main political mobilities turned the invitation down. The signatories of the internationally recognized Maputo agreements are only inclined to stick to the its charter signed by all the involved entities. 

Monja Roindefo’ Monima party, although having been the most relevant ally for the young putsch maker Andry Rajoelina in 2009, is equally appearing reluctant to buy the HAT strategy. 

Reluctance does however not hinder the decoy from seducing the others. Unknown groupings led by who knows who but supportive of Rajoelina in 2009 are definitely looking eager to taste the governmental adventure for one first time ever. 

According to media groups close to the HAT, the new government’s composition might be made public within the next few days. Camille Vital has been leading several talks with various political figures in view of setting his staff.