Friday , 3 May 2024
The National Education department works on the way to enter nearly a million children who had too drop off school over the latest years because of the political crisis which has been taking its toll on the population back to the education temple again.

A million children in need of schooling

Children massively had to drop off school generally speaking because of the financial downturn which has been affecting households, namely a drop of revenues and/or unemployment. The children’s massive exodus away from school reflected for instance in the rise of number of begging children on the street. The sight was not new whatsoever. The economic fallouts of the political crisis created by the year 2009’s putsch dramatically amplified the phenomenon. The schooling rate was progressively shooting down year after year, although Madagascar used to be near to reaching the Millenium’s Goals in terms of development at least in this particular field. The schooling rate fluctuates at around 76% by now. It used to be much higher before. According to the UNICEF, Madagascar’ schooling rate dropped to 73% in 2010 from 83.3% back in the year 2005. All of the achievements reached up to 2009 have been dismantled by the political crisis. Everything has to be completed from scratch anew.