Friday , 3 May 2024
Two journalists from the daily newspaper “Madagascar Matin” have been kept in custody by police forces since the evening of July 21st. The reaction from associations and from the Union of Malagasy journalists was almost immediate. An emergency meeting was scheduled on July 22nd and journalists right away proceeded to go down the streets.

Journalists protesting on the streets

A walk towards the Stele of Journalists in Madagascar has been planned. Journalists paraded through the center of the capital city, carrying a banner with the following clear inscription: “No imprisonment for journalists.” Some police officers had monitored the march which in the end developed without a single incident. The journalists’ union’s president, Rocco Rasoanaivo, required in a statement in the name of the union “the immediate release” of the two imprisoned journalists. Associations and the Union of Journalists called upon solidarity with two imprisoned journalists from all of the media world. Didier Ramanoelina and Jean LucRahaga, respectively Editor and Publishing Director of Madagascar Matin, were placed in custody following the complaint from three members of the government mentioned in the newspapers in connection with rosewood trafficking.