Friday , 3 May 2024
The TGV´s corruption unveiled

Amparafaravola, Alaotra region: The TGV´s dark plans unveiled

Scores of mayors of the Amparafaravola districts have been complaining against the local TGV leaders. Rahankinarivo Dodd Marcellin, mayor of Ambodimanga, and Marie Eulalie Raheliarisoa, explained to reporters what has been happening. They argued that the local TGV has been turning the candidacy for the party into a gambling game, targets of which are the acting mayors. 1,500,000 Ar must be paid in order to become part of the party´s electoral list. It was however not the first ever occurrence of that kind. Money was stolen by the TGV party from the previous mayor, in order to thwart his re election chances. All of the TGV candidates´ worries by the time were equally related to financial frauds. The central bureau`s orders are not respected any more. An investigation is being expected about this purposely covered up issue.