Saturday , 18 May 2024
As an outcome of long minutes of a boring moralizing speech in which the opposition was being pointed at for all the suffering imposed by his transition to the Malagasy people, Andry Rajoelina shyly addressed his intention to put his vision of national unity through, actually without unity at all. The roadmap represents therefore all for most the document paving his way to full power without any need of any political agreement.

Andry Rajoelina threatens to empower the government of his and only his choice

Patience happened to be a must in order to get what this transitional puppet had to say. Andry Rajoelina makes a propaganda too out of the speech to the nation in the run of his eternal quest for national and international legitimacy. The elected mayor of Antananarivo holds them as a done deal through the roadmap signed by the opposition. “the roadmap must be respected, and the national unity government erected as early as possible “, he declared as an evidence of impatience in face of Prime minister Beriziky´s reluctance to empower a national dissension government thoroughly thrown up by the opposition´s three groups. 


Andry Rajoelina began with a dull moralizing speech directed against the adversary: “the government has to be a structure deemed to unite political groupings which signed the roadmap and not to divide the Madagascans and politicians “, he moaned… “We Malagasy took the responsibility to build government by ourselves. We can however not respect each other and build anything together. Foreigners are now the ones reminding to Malagasy politicians that the people is suffering”. He is lucky that those foreigners refrained from openly pointing at the responsible of the on-going 3 years long chaos. 


Then the HAT´s leader dared an inroad on technical ground. “The roadmap´s article 6 is clear about a government’s constitution. Positions must not be negotiated in order to avoid failure. And it is nowhere written that political groups would be able to chose departments”, Andry Rajoelina dixit. 


The authority´s leader recognized the failure of the stillborn Mangalaza government, however not his central responsibility in this failure caused by his supporters´ led pressure which drew him to break his word. So what about the causes of the failures of the Rajoelina led government series successively led by Monja Roindefo and Camille Vital under various exotic names like national unity extende government. 


Andry Rajoelina finally spewed out his point: “the HAT´s president and the Prime minister are entitled to appoint their way the ministers basically proposed by political groups. A fair sharing process will be implemented; we are going to respect the roadmap”. He is actually bound to do exactly the opposite things. “Politicians have the duty to make some concessions and consent to compromises”, but he hasn´t, has he? The young guy has definitely not catch the difference yet between national issues and a night club