Saturday , 18 May 2024
Are the Malagasy crisis' new mediators swaying? France's and South Africa's ambassadors in Madagascar are putting a prudent speech about the potential Pretoria II meeting while willingly supporting the international community's stand. The alleged hand to the HAT is being denied.

France does not support Andry Rajoelina’s pull out of talks


France and South Africa do not pledge support to Andry Rajoelina’s attempt to make foregone thwarting of the Pretorian stage an excuse to rule the three opposing mobilities out for good . The French ambassador reiterated his commitment to help the Malagasy find the solution though talks and openness. “We have to be bound to concede and accept some things “, argued Jean Marc Châtaigner. The consensus is still very far away as a matter of fact. “We are not yet any closer from it, but we’re working it out” optimistically added the French diplomat.  


In spite of the call to talks produced by the authors of the latest stillborn roadmap, Andry Rajoelina is about to enforce another unilateral decision by reshuffling the Vital government. The French ambassador refrained from commenting the HAT public salute government project. On the other hand, he would basically stand against such a move. “We are in no way for any unilateral policy”, was reminded in the run of the Europe’s Day celebration. The ambassador emphasized the commitment to reach “a solution to be agreed by the majority of Malagasy citizens and political groups”, as the next elections are meant to be.  


Pretoria II is not dead yet. The south-African ambassador confirmed his country’s commitment to contribute to the Malagasy crisis’ settlement as wanted by the international community. The French roadmap previously supported by Jacob Zuma is history. Jean-Marc Châtaigner does put up a low profile. “The Malagasy conflicting sides have to recover common ground” in order to resume talks, he said.  


As a reminder, Andry Rajoelina had long ago refused to resume talks, but allegedly went to Pretoria “in respect for president Zuma “. As a matter of fact, the french roadmap was everything but the common ground. The young HAT leader bluffed when attesting that things would have been a simple matter of signature. He actually depicted a statement produced by the French and South-African ambassadors according to which Marc Ravalomanana would have agreed to sign up without talks.  


The ousted president finally restored order into this mess by confirming that he very lately received something like a proposal, and denying any alleged foregone agreement of anything. Andry Rajoelina got it right only once: something like a proposal has been sent to Marc Ravalomanana. There is still a long way to go between a document’s reception and its acceptation, as a matter of fact. As being interviewed about Andry Rajoelina’s reluctance to negotiate, ambassador Châtaigner broke ranks from his “horse”. “One and no one else is responsible of what he argues”, he underlined.  


France is equally trying to clean its stand with the neutrality bleach by pledging support to international community again. Its proposal’s failure to get though has weakened Paris’ diplomacy while African countries increasingly display their malcontent in face of this typical Francafrican policy’s interference. France does, officially at least, coach Andry Rajoelina and his actions no more. It is equally criticized for its military cooperation with the HAT, an unconstitutional regime change originated authoritarian power. Here again, the alleged secret financial supply dedicated totame the Malagasy armed forces has been denied .