Friday , 17 May 2024
During the ?Friends of Madagascar? conference, last Saturday, Jacques Sylla addressed the public?s concerns. He specifically explained the ?salary increase? which was given to the ministers.

Jacques Sylla explains the “salary increase”

According to the Prime Minister, the decision regarding the salary increase given to the highest ranking officials of his administration was well within the scope, and the interest of the best government control. It aims at achieving greater transparency through an open-book policy. He claimed that, in fact, the ministers were already receiving allowances amounting to more than 3,000 Euros per months, over their base salary of 380 Euro; the only thing they did was to turn these allowances into salaries ?based on the ministry?s performance?. He added that, as a matter of fact, there was no real salary increase, at all, just a rule change.

This explanation seemed to have satisfied the audience, but one wonders if perhaps the government may have come up with it, in hindsight, in view of the explosion of public outcry and outrage triggered by the decision.

Translated by J. F. Razanamiadana