Saturday , 18 May 2024
One hundred suspected thieves were massacred by villagers in the southern part Madagascar depredated during the latest months by the "dahalo” militia. Live images from the south are showing dead bodies stained with blood littering the ground. A simple accusation proves enough to get stoned down to death or swiftly beheaded. And the honorable transition leaders lose control over the situation. The Dahalo equally rise the tone and correspondingly retaliate against the army… a growing major concern for political leaders, and even more for the major part of the population.

Killing fields in Madagascar’s South: “The result of a poor administration” according to Manandafy Rakotonirina

This kind of phenomenon simply originates from “poor leadership” according to Manandafy Rakotonirina, leader of the MFM party. He believes the transition ruling power to be incapable of restoring any genuine rule of law, a matter of fact which drowns the country a little deeper into anarchy.

In consequence of the bloodbath engulfing the southern part of the island, the Marc Ravalomanana political sphere leaders require the Transitional Ministers of Justice and Armed Forces to pay the bill and step down. In Belo-on-Tsiribihina (West), three army officers got brought down by Dahalo militiamen. The same thing occurred in Betroka (South), a police officer and two state policemen, including the brigade commander, were killed in a clash. In Belo-on-Tsiribihina, sixty Dahalo militiamen captured 300 cattle heads, and then ambushed armed forces units. Near Betroka, one hundred of these outlaws raided a village.