The withdrawal of the artificial support previously granted by the former president kept exile in South Africa was nearly a foregone conclusion. The more problematic issue concerned the attitude of the Ravalomanana sphere members acting as ministerial heads inside the present government led by Prime Minister Kolo Roger. Resigning or not resigning, that is the question? Roland Ravatomanga, he Minister of Agriculture and Ravalomana sphere member, does not seem to be anywhere near to do so. He and the President of the Republic will have the opportunity to make their formal stand clear during the next cabinet meeting. The defection of Marc Ravalomanana into the opposition was, as a matter of fact, a foregone conclusion, bearing the constantly growing gap between him and the acting ruling power. The Foreign Office has been blocking the renewal of the former president’s diplomatic passport for several months, for instance, leading to a prevention of any travel. In spite of the crisis settlement roadmap signed back in 2011 and explicitely requiring all politically exiled figures, including the former president held out in South Africa since 2009, to be allowed back home unscathed, Marc Ravalomanana’s fate actually never constituted a priority to the current ruling power. His supporters have been increasingly expressing reactionary views towards the ruling power over the latest months. Marc Ravalomanana emulated in the end and finally made his political position formal and crystal clear. The position of ” Opposition Leader” at the National Assembly might eventually be granted to Guy Rivo Randrianarisoa, MP elected in the fifth district of Antananarivo city under the Ravalomanana sphere’s banner.