Thursday , 16 May 2024
As the great announcement to the nation, Prime Minister has stood everyone up. Expected to broadcast the composition of his new government, Monja Roindefo restricted his statement on saying that it would be a done deal on Tuesday September 08th at 11 hours, local time. Then he revealed that the opening to the other mobilities should give a consensual face to the new government staff.

New government: a consensus with tight finish, postponed results

Monja Roindefo estimates that he completed his mission to constitute a government that, at least, looks consensual, by consulting the other political mobilities and parties of the nation. “The 72 hours long time limit has been respected because the list of names is ready and already in the hands of the Transition’s president”, he argued. 

Postponing the publication of the government members’ names has been judged necessary by Andry Rajoelina and Monja Roindefo. According to the Prime minister, the reason was “the determination of shares”. It has already been revealed that 30% of the government will be made of women and that the Forces of Change will have the lion’s share. 

“The number of ministries is going to increase, the opening will be operated this way”, explained Monja Roindefo. He also let it know that his government’s first members won’t be too much concerned about this change. “When there is opening, some concessions are necessary, but it doesn’t casting the first days’ brothers-in-arms aside”, he added. 

“These are the people who participated in the struggle, and who are certain to bring change in the country. There has already been some talks to determine what concessions can be made from inside. One cannot make concessions on things that would jeopardize the popular movement”. 

In order to give a face of opening to his new government, Monja Roindefo is keen on polishing the appearances. There will be youth, women, and highly experienced technicians… The Transition’s Prime minister is quite much standing by the opening to the other political mobilities and parties. “There will be close collaborators of the former presidents “, he promised, evoking by the same way the integration of civilian society members. 

By the constitution of a new government of inclusive and consensual appearance, Monja Rondefo is hoping to ease the wrath in the ranks of the other mobilities which immediately condemned the HAT one-sided initiative. Will there be vice Prime ministers from Ravalomanana, Zafy and Ratsiraka mobilities? Monja Roindefo declared that the Rajoelina mobility would remain true to its word. 

Apparently, the HAT and its government succeeded in corrupting elements from the TIM party and the democratic alliance for the defence of legality. Is this enough to convince the international community that a government of consensus is being set, in spite of the three other mobilities’ categorical refusal? 

According to Monja Roindefo, international recognition represents the reward to an effort that must be done. “We have to get it on short or medium terms”, he said. The Transition’s Prime minister estimates that the setting up of a power sharing government is a stage on the path to international recognition. Such a stage “is going to lead the green country a new constitutional order “.