Saturday , 18 May 2024
On the day following the failure of the constitution of the Beriziky government, the opposition´s spheres are blaming the Prime minister of a fragile shadow of national unity for it, while accusing the president of the HAT of straining to enforce the appointment of ministers of his choice. Pressure is thereupon stemming from both sides.

Omer Beriziky still has to convince the opposition


In the end, Jean Omer Beriziky´s tried to prove no allegiance either to his leader Fanilo party, or to the Rajoelina sphere´s hard core, and no gratitude towards the Zafy sphere which boosted his candidacy. “I am calling upon you, Malagasy, to keep patient for a short while more “, he declared. The Prime minister doesn’t drop the towel yet, in spite of multiple pressures from the HAT´s leader. “It newly got around, that I would be about to resign. I am not “, he argued. 


He survived a couple of days long face to face with Andry Rajoelina, the transition´s second in command is now tackling the way to convince the Opposition to the HAT. The Rajoelina-Beriziky duet failed in catching the Ravalomanana and Zafy spheres as well asMonja Roindefo´s Monima party unawares. Actually, they turned everything down long before any result publication for denouncing the flagrant lack of transparency concerning negotiations between the national unity prime minister and the HAT´s leader.  


“It has little to do with the power sharing pattern, we are actually rejecting the power sharing process”, commented Monja Roindefo. The Monima party´s president pointed at the Prime minister Beriziky´s lack of transparency. He equally rejected the interpretation of the roadmap according to which political forces merely propose, and get content with Andry Rajoelina´s final decision. “The president of the HAT owes its recognition as such to and merely to the signature of the opposition on this roadmap “, he recalled. 


Unlike a Monima party arguably not that much interested in power within the Beriziky government, the Ravalomanana sphere clearly lets it be know, that it has its say about it. All five promised ministries are everything but satisfying. “We don’t want to be extras “, declared Mamy Rakotoarivelo longing for a legitimate deputy Prime minister´s position and some key departments. According to the sphere´s local representative, this role casting is the pledge for balance within the, so far eluding neutral transition. The man actually moves without his leader´s official consent. The president in exile Marc Ravalomanana didn’t recognize Beriziky Omer as Prime Minister yet, and wants this issue to be dealt with prior to the erection of a government 


The Zafy sphere is apparently still unable to make up its own mind. The professor made no secret of his disappointment caused by the fact that the Prime minister gave in to the HAT´s leader´s pressure, and denounced Andry Rajoelina´s efforts to steer the erection of the government. The Zafy sphere very close to Omer Beriziky before his talks with the transitional leader, was rewarded with six ministries, while the Ravalomanana sphere and the Monima party recieved merely five each. “The Zafy sphere merely duly recovered whatever was promised by the Maputo deals”. 


The failure of the cabinet erection was a foregone conclusion because the Rajoelina sphere could not release its grip on the Finance, the foreign office, the Justice and the Mining resources management departments. Albert Zafy holds this as the effort to keep the embezzlements and scandalous deals perpetrated during the transition. The crisis of confidence has never been so acute.