Thursday , 16 May 2024
When neither the authority´s disguised totalitarian rule nor its institutions are struggling to control the people or the situation, regional elections appear as the only resort. The TGV system is trying to ignore the SADC´s mediator´s recommendation; and plans the extension of mayors´ mandate up to the advent of far more advantaging political conditions in favor of elections.

Regional elections: a vital need for the TGV regime


The imposed TGV  authority realizes that it has only one elected figure, namely a “mayor of Madagascar.” Most communes are actually still under Ravalomanana´s control, and it´s no good omen for the HAT and its allies before national elections. The TGV´s political calculation is expected to be endorsed by the political allies who have signed the first basic Roadmap. When trying to enforce elections deemed to empower RGV supportive mayors and regional chiefs before national elections, Rajoelina yet failed against a collective and in no unilateral opposition. The TGV and UDR-C are quite on their own, but no matter, they do control the national defectors´unity government, don´t they?
The latest scoop was the SADC´s mediator´s letter, sent on August 9, 2011 addressed to the political group ESCOPOL,  as well as the other forces and political movements, and the International Contact Group – Madagascar.  The mediation “is longing for the transitional parliament to consider the a one year long extension of Mayors´ mandate, so that municipal and regional elections are held after the implementation of a roadmap deemed to create appropriate political and technical conditions for the free, fair and believable elections in Madagascar. ” Joaquim Chissano subsequently recalled that whatever election cast out of from the roadmap´s schedule, and consequently not monitored by the United Nations can not and will not be recognized by the international community.
For the time being, the  HAT is holding the OIF as the United Nations. And Abdou Diouf, the man on top of the French speaking organization, gave his blessing and a magic electoral management software expected to impress the international community to Rajoelina. The HAT reacted positively to Chissano´s letter, for being pleased to have some of its enforced actions recognized. The TGV regime would be ready to sign the amended road map. In one of his presidency´s statements, he responded that he never took any decision to hold any election in this year, but merely sought the views of political parties after the due preparations.
The HAT´s political correctness is however right away being challenged by his so named national unity government. Vital´s Cabinet is persistently insisting on organizing at least one election in 2011, all foremost for the sake of reinforcing some authority in face of a striking state weakness. The parliamentary group TGV / UDR which controls the HAT´s parliament vehemently supports the idea and stresses the need to organize communal and regional elections undercover of the Rajoelina state´s sovereignity. The TGV desperately needs new mayors to pave the way for legislative electoral tests before the presidential showdown. He even has better organizing the electoral process out of the road map´s frame. The other movements ´ expected opposition might turn out to be a boost.
The TGV/HAT supportive group´s excuse is the need of a democratic canvas. A potential popular movement expected to do away with the elected mayors has even been mentioned, another putsch. The putsch originated two years long HAT´s mandate as it was promised by its leader has expired in March 2011. Any constitution deemed to extend anyone´s regime´s power would have provoked a wave of protest, let one against someone that´s never been electing. This is however not possible in a military and totalitarian country as Madagascar.