Saturday , 18 May 2024
The authorities of the transition are assuming with determination their challenge of an international community which is calling upon a consensual solution to the Malagasy crisis. The Maputo agreements are hardly ever respected by politicians, unilaterally violated by the Rajoelina mobility, namely through the erection of a fake national unity government.

Turning away from the international community whatever it takes?


The interpretation of the Maputo agreements is clearly different for mediators and belligerents. Monja Roindefo is extolling national sovereignty to cling to his seat as Prime minister; his objectors are denouncing the way to sacrifice the nation to such an end. The Rajoelina mobility’s Prime minister is rejecting the International Contact Group’s vision as the reference. He is claiming national sovereignty only to preserve the gains of the HAT and his government. 

The Roindefo II government is thence presented as stemming from a consensus, but fails to convince anyone out of the Rajoelina mobility. Pressured by his allies, Andry Rajoelina had to preserve its Prime minister whatever it had to take. In regard of the pending economic and diplomatic sanctions, the transition’s authorities are stressing the propaganda, particularly against the international community, the ICG, the African Union and the United States, “against these foreigners who don’t give a damn about the Malagasy people’s will”. 

The Rajoelina mobility is trying to swap roles. These members of this international community do need us because they want to exploit our natural resources”. The members of the HAT are successively unfolding an economic interest allegedly lurking behind the requests for respect of democratic principles. 

The theatrical effect and the increase of tax revenues can, for the time being, play down the worries about the nation’s financial estate. Austerity is the only argument used to run down the relevance of foreign financings which actually make two thirds of the state budget. As a solution, the transition’s authorities have nothing better than breaking ties with the traditional financial backers and other financial partners far too stingy on the respect of democratic rules. The idea of the monetary creation is yet far from convincing the opinion. 

Thanks to the taxpayers and in the hope to sell out the presidential plane for more of 50 millions of dollars, the transitional authorities think are expecting to cope during the 15 months of an undisputed reign. The essential is insured for the year 2010, the state machine will be able to run and civil servants will get their wages. Andry Rajoelina wants to win time while striving to convince the international community that any measure taken against the imposed transitional regime is inevitably going to negatively impact on the population. 

France, seemingly the current transitional regime’s perfect ally, should be following the European Union’s stand. An amount of 1.5 million euros has finally been allowed to the commercial capability enhancement program. Ambassador Jean Marc Châtaigner was keen on specifying that his country’s help is a direct support to professional groupings or communities. Paris will be no more allowed to do so again if Madagascar is failing to return to constitutional order by next November, in accordance with Brussels’ expectations.  

The Ratsiraka, Ravalomanana and Zafy mobilities are denouncing the way the population is being sacrificed to satisfy the Rajoelina mobility’s will. The respect of the Maputo agreements is turning into an economic life or death question.  


Economic indexes are actually slipping into the red. The general manager of the Custom services admitted that custom returns are on the verge of crashing because of the plummeting exports. The progressive reduction of foreign currency reserves is going to slow down imports even more. The authorities of the transition are standing by providential foreign investors and their mid term capitals of some millions of dollars to keep the engine on. 

The TGV is running in free flight and expects to hold on this way for, at least, few months. Andry Rajoelina has left an open door by saying that a far reaching decision could be taken by the president of the transition, according to the evolution of the situation. The HAT wants to put the international community’s wrath to the test, while governing and then, set elections up.