Friday , 3 May 2024
Election promises produced by the former Transitional Minister of Justice convinced the MAPAR group's parliament members to stick to the line in the run of the vote. Some other parliament members have even swapped sides. Many privileges and especially the beloved 4WD vehicle served as decisive arguments in favor of Christine Razanamahasoa, now head of the National Assembly. The Republic's President's austerity policy is jeopardized.

4WD vehicles and privileges for parliament deputies: the ruling power’s unexpected priorities, are they not?

Christine Razanamahasoa’s parliamentarian campaign was built on promises of 4WD vehicles to each deputy. Howeve, she did not specify whether those vehicles would be registered as the due deputy’s personal property or as state asset. The debate may open up considering the number of 4WD and luxury cars lining up on the National Assembly’s parking lot.
“I’d rather have the state financing the erection of a health center than offering me a 4WD car ” vocifered one deputy. “I would prefer use my own vehicle and serve the people ,” added another one . ” Every parliament member does actually not need a road runner. Only those entrenched in remote districts in the outback do.” The 4WD bait was in the end not as central as it seemed to be. The MAPAR and its allies were longing for little more than good time.
The less relevant the issue, the more convincing the campaign was. “Give us the means to accomplish our mission,” argued the President of the National Assembly. She requires political means, a supportive environment and performance improvements for and from parliament members. Privileges will be granted to them in return. The National Assembly will have to fight for financial assets as large as its president’s ambitions and pledges. Still, her argued indroduction of an electronic voting system is far from stupid, bearing the issues brought all over again by each electoral round in mind
Although the new President of the Republic announced that the austerity policy does not come to an end, Christine Razanamahasoa promised a big flow of money. She even dares announcing the funding resumption up 62 million Ariary per district per year, and this only as a starting point. Their president is committed to protecting her parliament members while on duty. ” Parliamentary immunity is effective especially during the sessions .” Abuses are also told to be expecting retaliation from the State.
The Transitional Parliament finally came up to a financial extravagance which did not pledge anything like a shadow of implementation of democracy. Will the new National Assembly keep on this way? Stacking up expenditures for wages, severance pays, trips, some made by plane, housing, accommodation, fuel, communication costs, parliamentary staff, put the price to pay for every single deputy to more than $ 5 million MGA per month.
The home center of Tsimbazaza, barely comfortable enough to students, is certainly not worthy of an elected official. Due to restoration projects going their course, parliament members will be accommodated in the capital city’s hotels during the first special session. Every deputy will cash 65,000 Ariary in per day, enjoy their comfort worthy of their rank. Sharing their respective constituents’ misery will be off the point to them.