Sunday , 19 May 2024
Didier Ratsiraka and Marc Ravelomanana, the 2 protagonists of the Malagasy crisis met together Wednesday morning at the presidential residence under the aegis of Amara Essy, General Secretary of AUO.

Negotiations are engaged!

” This is up-to the Malagasy themselves to find the best solution to resolve this crisis” announced Amara Essy, General Secretary of AUO to the hundreds of thousands demonstrators who gather together every day on the main place of the capital. A non usual act for a diplomat who wanted to play completely his mediator role. So the result is there: Didier Ratsiraka and Marc Ravelomanana met together on Wednesday morning after the missed appointment on last Saturday. After M. Ravelomanana ‘s declaration, his supporters ‘ reaction was reserved, relief for some, disappointment for others.

After this meeting, both sides accepted to start the negotiations. Each camp will appoint five personalities who will discuss the great island future.

The General Secretary Assistant is staying there in order to proctor the mediation. A priori, the discussions should have to lead on the second tour running. Both parties were not against a such possibility. However, the negotiations seem less easy . In fact, M. Ravelomanana’s camp is really decided to make with the comparison of the electoral statements a condition for the second tour of the presidential elections. The previous Prime Minister Nobert Lala Ratsirahonana who could be one of M. Ravelomanana ‘s representative talked again about this point during his speech on Antananarivo channel MBS.

And if there is a second tour, the candidate wants transparency and the guarantee of a regular and transparent ballot. This means to set up “a neutral administration and electoral survey panel” Didier Ratsiraka complied with Constitutional high Court and turn down any compromise solution outside of the legality. Otherwise, he was never keen for a provisional type of government. However, he should not raise any objection to postpone the second tour which was forecasted for the 24 of February, According to Amara Essy, a delay of 30 days is necessary for the preparation of the ballot. This should allow to AUO and UN to supply transparent ballot boxes and to send there international observers.

In meantime, M. Ravelomanana, in spite of this first step of dialogue start, is still calling his demonstrators to demonstrate while the young boys closed to D. Ratsiraka refused to raise the street blocking on some national roads like the number 2 ( to Toamasina, first harbor of the island) and the number 4( to Majunga, second harbor) in order to isolate the capital. Just to maintain the pressure even the pressure came down a rang. Ibrahima Fall, Assistant General Secretary of UNO, Mauritius Prime Minister Paul Bérenger and his Foreign Office Minister Anil Gayan arrived at Antananarivo, Mauritius island is actually at the presidency of the Indian Ocean and it is member of UNO Security Council.