Saturday , 11 May 2024
THe surprise trip abroad tackled by the president of the HAT would be driving him in Libya, in order to meet Mouammar Khaddafi, African Union's President reaching the end of his mandate.

In his quest of foreign support, Andry Rajoelina is visiting an African Union’s President reaching the end of his mandate.


Europe and North Africa were basically Andry Rajoelina’s touring destinations according to his proxies’ announcements shortly after his departure. In the end, the tour will only restrict to France and Libya. Would Europe and North Africa restrict to Paris and Tripoli for the Rajoelina team? These are, so far, the single couple of capital cities to have been inclined to welcome the young putsch maker. 

France is not quite a surprise, in quality of Rajoelina’s accomplice. The young putsch maker is actually certain to be able to stand by fair support from some of the sarkozian regime’s big fishes, although the French president himself has had rather keep out of from the Malagasy crisis’ scrum, to the point of publicly labelling Rajoelina’s action as a Coup. But, since his rise to power, Andry Rajoelina has been being pledged support from French advisors purposely remaining in the dark. Paris is, consequently, the single western capital city in which the young putsch maker can ever feel welcome. 

Now about Tripoli: Khaddafi has equally been the single African President to have granted Rajoelina with the minimum evidence of attention so far. The conceited virtual President of the United States of Africa has actually never hesitated to get along with all of the continent’s leaders brought to power by Coups. One more of them in his diary might serve his will to create the United States of Africa whose first ever president would be nobody else but his ego. He certainly might believe it to be a significant pace forward in his run to match Ronald Reagan – the initiator of a brief bombing blitzkrieg between the USA and Libya – or Bill Clinton, George Bush or why not Barack Obama. 

Andry Rajoelina is going to waste time and money in France. His “friends” are not going to let him down that so early. The libyan visit might be just as so vain, because Khadaffi is currently few days away to become one African Union’s former president. The Rajoelina team will have to fight hard to expect any attention from Mr Bingu Wa Mutharika, acting President of Malawi and incoming President of the African Union from February on. 

During the last days, Andry Rajoelina decided to get a move on on the diplomatic playground, mostly since it happens to be Marc Ravalomanana’s major, and single, advantage, one year after his illegal deposition. The High Authority of Transition will have to fill in the blanks, if ever possible, before February 6th, the deadline imposed by Jean Ping, President of the African Union’s Commission, to the official responses to his crisis settlement proposals.