Saturday , 11 May 2024
The High Authority of Transition has been concentrating its unity on the opposition to Marc Ravalomanana and his alleged voluntary departure on March 17th, 2009, while pretending to forget that a military putsch took place in Antananarivo on the eve.

March 16th: One year ago, the putsch forced Marc Ravalomanana out into exile


March 16th, 2009, Marc Ravalomanana was still the twice in a row elected president of Madagascar’s Republic. On this historical shameful day, rebelling soldiers supportive of the opposition leadership lead the assault on the presidential palace of Ambohitsorohitra. Talks would have, by then, been engaged with what was left of the presidential guard shortly before the assault. 

Toward the end of the evening of March 16th, 2009, Ambohitsorohitra was encircled, and an armored troop carrier broke into the palace. Few minutes later, soldiers violently smashed the president’s office doors, and found an empty area. The president was at this hour entrenched inside the palace of Iavoloha, in the south of the capital city. 

On the attack’s next day, Andry Rajoelina, escorted by mutinous soldiers entered the “conquered” palace of Ambohitsorohitra. All over the world, a scene of mutinous soldiers attacking a presidential palace when the acting president is still acting, is called a putsch. 

Since one year, the putsch makers have been straining to erase the assault on the presidential palace of Ambohitsorohitra from memories. They focus their propaganda on Marc Ravalomanana’s alleged voluntary departure, swiftly labeled as a “resignation”, On March 17th 2009, Marc Ravalomanana was well forced to “save his skin”. The putsch makers definitely wanted to “retire” him. A warrant has publicly been issued against the acting president earlier before. Self conservation instinct obviously wanted Marc Ravalomanana and his family to care for their security in priority. His partisans were emphatically ready for action till the end in front the palace of Iavoloha, but things did not have to reach such an end. The latest option was exile, so that no one died. 

Putsch makers currently do no more want to hear anything either about the attack of the palace of Ambohitsorohitra, or about the order to pursue Marc Ravalomanana. The High Authority of Transition’s diplomacy is vehemently explaining its version of the facts to the rest of the world: Marc Ravalomanana transfered power to a military board of directors, which freely transferred it to Andry Rajoelina thereafter. The demonstration is childish, and has, so far, been proving to have successfully fooled nobody. One year after Andry Rajoelina’s led putsch, nothing changed. The international community refuses to recognize the HAT. The political mobilities are crying scandal. Demonstrations opposing the putsch and its authors are regularly being organized. And the crisis is going on.