Thursday , 9 May 2024
The clarification brought by ambassador Jean Marc Châtaigner, the single diplomatic figure to have been officially welcomed by Andry Rajoelina, confirmed Paris' position concerning Madagascar's crisis: total freedom to implement the African Union's sanctions or not, shared responsibility between the four mobilities in the signed agreements' failure… Something to cheer at last for the HAT.

International sanctions: the HAT definitely can stand by France

France took notice of the demand produced by the African Union’s Peace and Security Council, and is being assessing it. This demand is longing for support to the sanctions targeting the HAT 109 red list figures. According to ambassador Châtaigner, “France is n no way bound by the AU PSC decisions, since neither France nor the European Union are members of the African Union”. France is not willing to sanction the HAT in spite of the recommendations reported by the International Contact Group which includes France. 


The french reluctance comes up with an excuse: each and every ICG member country remains fully independent regarding future decisions about Madagascar. France is therefore feeling free to do whatever necessary, including sanctions of its own, against whoever perceived as a hindrance to constitutional order” in Madagascar. Jean Marc Châtaigner is coming up to, lexically drawing a shadow of uncertainty concerning the pending European Union’s sanctions currently debated by the European Foreign Office. “It is a process long outcome of which has to be a joint common stand between the EU 27 prior to any as so joint common implementation”. By so arguing, the French ambassador recalled that if Paris is refuse to sanction the HAT, the Union will follow suit. 


According to ambassador Châtaigner,  “the efficiency of new sanctions pledged as a step in the Malagasy crisis’ settlement can be addressed while considering the very much shared responsibilities into the consensus agreement’s failure”. The three mobilities capitalized an unilateral Maputo III agreement, and the High Authority’s leader has been trying to reorganize the transitional regime his way. The Addis Ababa additional act has bee violated on both sides.   


“Since the beginning of this crisis, France has been straining to find a consensual solution between the actors in view of the recovery of constitutional order “. Jean Marc Châtaigner emphatically denied any hint of Paris’ undercover manipulations within the Malagasy crisis. The ambassador can, however, not successfully change the image of France protecting its favorite horse. The diplomat restricted to repeatedly emphasize that his country is not acting on its own, but constantly looking for cooperation with all of the concerned parties as well as with the International Contact Group in order to restore political stability and long term democratic order in Madagascar “.