Monday , 20 May 2024
Le colonel Camille Vital reconnaît avoir eu des tractations avec des politiciens mais avoue ses lacunes en pratique de la politique. Le premier ministre de la HAT fustige sur les trois mouvances qui lui tournent le dos malgré un appel du pied.

The colonel Camille Vital’s attack in the rule of art against the three mobilities

The colonel Camille Vital reported his series of negotiations with various political figures, although conceding his lack of political versatility. The Prime minister vociferated his wrath against the continuously stubborn mobilities. 

For appearing, somehow, overwhelmed by the current political rhythm, HAT Prime Minister Vital conceded that he was far from having the requested expertise. The colonel subsequently skirted around the issue and focused on the former presidents’ guilt. Camille Vital officially displayed his regrets that the Rajoelina mobility has had come up to deal with three political mobilities instead of a single one: “At the very beginning, Albert Zafy and Didier Ratsiraka have been called to referee and mediate, but now they have their own mobilities on the same equal footing”.  


In the run of the erection of a national unity government, Camille Vital reported to have engaged unofficial talks with friends from the Ratsiraka mobility, as well as some more official ones with an influential member of the Ravalomanana mobility. Dead duck! The experience of a so said first openness government now completely devoted to Andry Rajoelina is no help to the process. A Vital II government project is also bogged down. The second HAT Prime minister is being seriously hampered by controversial legal circumstances. The circumstances of his very appointment are tarnished by a compulsory resort to the administrative court. The souvenir left by Eugene Mangalaza as the last official Prime minister and leader of the next genuine national unity government is definitely hard to erase.  


Camille Vital bluntly attacked the three political mobilities jointly labeled as “reactionaries” by the HAT. He blamed them for having played a deaf ear to the authorities call upon the erection of the national independent electoral Commission. “It is just like inviting guests who failed to appear, hosts are satisfied while having completed their duty”, he argued as referring to a, somehow, not very suited Malagasy proverb. “The three mobilities are not Madagascar’s single political parties. Elections are necessary, who could ever force anyone uneager to participate?” Camille Vital is appearing determined to push through while ruling any opposition led boycott as a credibility blow out. Lots of observers are holding the erection of the constituent assembly as a HAT rehearsal.  


“I deeply regret these three mobilities’ relevance”, worryingly conceded Camille Vital. These reactionaries are actually made of a silent by genuine and significant electoral basis certainly true to three former but nationally elected presidents. “There are apparently big historic parties as the AKFM and the RPSD “, wonder the chief of the HAT government although they failed to succeed in the presidential test. “The children of the first Republic” are physically not able to claim any Tsiranana mobility. Therefore, Camille Vital strained to restore balance with political groups nominally granted high potential, namely Roland Ratsiraka’s MTS, the TGV, an association in the midst of its mutation, or Pierrot Rajaonarivelo’s MDN.  


Camille Vital is desperately striving to upset the natural laws of age and wisdom. His words are definitely everything but diplomatic: “they are no mature adults, they are sulking children!”. one of the indicted presidents actually spited the very same remark to Andry Rajoelina few months ago. The colonel Vital denounced an alleged hatred focused on his chief “Andry”, and based on alleged jealousy. ” Andry is not the single person in this country “, he said. Maybe would he like to hint the presence of various more figures to grant consideration to, now that hatred is exclusively booked.