Saturday , 18 May 2024
Who could be intending to make a so childish putsch? more acurrately a raid on state owned palaces as well as on Andry Rajoelina's home? Ten militaries and reserve troops would be launching the assault on a palace? How fantastic it is!

“Aborted putsch”: The HAT pointing finger is a cause for doubts


One thing is definitely to be held for granted, Antananarivo can reckon with the excitment of “terror actions” stemming from nowhere whenever a round of negotiation is coming up. 

In 2009, shortly before the Addis-Ababa round of talks, makeshift bombs have been recovered throughout the Malagasy capital city. Thank God none blasted, didn’t they? This time around, the bomb script recovered the front scene. But since it is probably not consistent enough to justify another of Rajoelina’s pull back from talks, arrested men in uniforms are added to the scene, the “terror action” is being shifted into a “putsch attempt”. 

Most of the targeted officers used to be members of the presidential guard under Marc Ravalomanana. And the HAT soldiers and the pro-Rajoelina media groups did far much than simply voicing accusations. “The money comes from president Marc Ravalomanana” denounced the Special Intervention Force’s colonel Lyllison René. The same tone is being used by the propaganda machine. “Some columnists even put the foregone conclusion forth, according to which negotiations with Marc Ravalomanana are pointless.”  

Things are, however, crystal clear for the former president’s front. Ravalomanana’s spokesman, Guy Rivo Andrianarisoa, simply denied any involvement of the exiled president in this…”putsch attempt”.