Friday , 17 May 2024
the national assembly is about to be desacralized by these deputies „appointed“ by the HAT on its allies' bidding, The transitional congress' first session was merely a political decoy, For being to busy with its own management, the HAT's institution had no time for genuine issues

A remote controlled congress: a democracy in danger




the HAT deputies intended, though had no time to vote laws, The Transition is consequently going to keep on imposing its rules by order, Democracy is short from dead, These orders undisputedly imposed by the ruling power are merely justified by the shadow of legitimacy provided by the unilaterally led TGV national conference, if ever,


This instution, legality of which is still an issue in itself, is going to make important decisions as if it had ever democratically elected, The amnesty was a must, Even the HAT congress’ leader might be needing it, although he is technically untouchable, as trials are mainly concerning the year 2009’s events,


For being controlled by the TGV and its allies, the HAT congress will not have to become a counterweight, as required by any democratic regime, It is however entitled to pass laws concerning permanent society aspects, far beyond the transional field, The communication code will for example be passed, and prison sentences promised to jaywalking reporters,



The competition laws might not find that so easy, namely since the authorities are definitely entertwined with some foreign economic interests, Any law on political parties is dimmed to target any opposition ot the HAT drafted constitutional project,


the „fake“ TIM for international recognition


Raharinaivo Andrianatoandro, leader of the TIM dissident party who dealt with the HAT, found it easy to convince his new colleagues of electing him on top of the transitional congress, Both sides do want to convince the international community that an unlikely end to the crisis is close,,,one more shot in the dark,

Raharinaivo Andrianatoandro defending his position by systematically pledging support to the HAT, as expected, The HAT leader is clearly expecting „the political parties to sign up to decisions reached at Ivato and Vontovorona“ as a confirmation of his allies’ subduction, „Further talks will still be possible after signing up to Ivato’s deals“ said Raharinaivo Andrianatoandro to the opposition’s political spheres,

The TGV is in control of the fake senate, and pretending to drop assets in the congress, by leaving its top seat to Raharinaivo Andrianatoandro, former opponent, The TIM dissident’s presence is however merely a matter of make up,

The greatest contradiction is the amnesty promised to the TIM party’s former president, Raharinaivo Andrianatoandro had to swap side and operate a small sized putsch in order to enjoy it, Now his wins are heavier in the balance than his potential losses, Why would the HAT and the TGV install somebody threatened by jail sentence on top of their congress? They did so to be able to get rid of him, if things are falling through