Saturday , 18 May 2024
The United States of America have not brought cases of violation of human rights on the Great Isle to light for the first time ever. The latest report by the State Department was only much more severe against local security forces, stigmatized for various abuses, more especially for arbitrary executions.

Human rights : the U.S. report blames local security forces

Generally speaking, the report specifies that “Among the three basic abuses of human rights noticed, the most serious indictments against security forces were killings and other abuses; then the transitional leadership’s inability to ensure the rule of law, which has led to an outbreak of social injustice in society and death penalties to civilians regardless of their innocence; and the denial of citizens’ right to freely choose their leaders . ” Specifically concerning wrongdoing attributed to the security forces, the following point was particularly focused on: ” Security forces member have made use of lynching, rape and property destruction as punishment for crimes merely based on allegations, or simply as coercion tools. Scores of reports have described state police officers burning homes down or leveling entire villages to the ground in order to punish their inhabitants. ” The Malagasy security forces have been forging a solid reputation of easy gunslingers for themselves, particularly during the four years of transitional rule entailed by the 2009’s putsch: ” Based on various media reports collected all over the year, security forces officers have shot at least 100 criminal suspects dead. In 2011, they scored at least 51 fatal blows, some of which subsequently happened to have brought innocents down. Temporarily discharged and drunken armed forces elements were told to have gunned innocents down. On May 17th , Rapid Intervention Group (GIR ) forces opened fire on a 47 years old man in Tsaratanana, and killed him. Although the involved security forces claimed to have reacted to the victim’s “suspicious behavior “, the victim has actually never been formally charged of any crime before, “. So read the U.S. report